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2025.02.06. 22:00
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Roman Catholic Church


Római katolikus templom

After re-establishing the parish of Kistálya, a church consecrated to Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1723. The construction was initiated by Gergely Sorger who was Egervár's abbot and provost at the time. After 40 years the church collapsed and in 1767 a new one started to be built in the same place. Its construction was supported by Mátyás Hubert, Egervár's provost and canon and was finished in 1779. It is also consecrated to the Visitation of Virgin Mary and is an example of the late baroque architecture with its one nave construction. It is located on top of a hill along the village and can be approached by climbing a few steps.

Millennium Monument


Milleniumi emlékmű


"Yellow Jew" Pub


The Pub to the "Yellow Jew" used to stand at 255. Rákóczi Road, where in February, 1844 Sándor Petőfi (one of Hungary's most famous poets) wrote the poem "Eger mellett" (Next to Eger). Later the original building was pulled down and today two new houses stand there.

The memorial monument to those killed in World War I and II


Az I. és II. világháborúban elesettek emléktáblája


Next to the entrance to the graveyard there are the monuments in memory of the people who were killed in World War I and II.

Mocsáry mansion - Garden Gloriette


Kerti Gloriette


It is situated in a former but now neglected park between the Eger-Maklár main route and the Eger creek valley. It is a round-shaped structure built of 8 Tuscan orders and their capitals topped with a round shoulder and a dome built of carved stones. It is a sophisticated and elegant classicist building.

Mocsáry mansion


Mocsáry kastély


A classicist building built between 1836-38. It has two storeys and can be found next to the Eger-Maklár main route, at 289. Rákóczi Road. It is located on a hill, facing west. The relieves on the facade were carved by the famous Venetian sculptor Marco Casagrande, who was living in Eger for years in order to make the sculpture ornaments of the Basilica in Eger. It used to be the home of a well-known resident of Andornaktálya, Lajos Mocsáry, who was the sub-prefect of Borsod County and one of the leaders of the Independence Party. He was also a devotee to the Hungarian-Romanian friendship; the significant meetings of the national leaders were held in his mansion at the end of the 19th century. In 1976, on the 150th anniversary of the birth of "The Hermit of Andornak", Lajos Mocsáry, a sculpture of him made by Róbert Király was placed on the wall of the mansion. Today the building gives home to a social institute.

Row of cellars



Most likely, the core of Andornak and Kistálya was a series of cave flats and cellars carved in the rhyolite tuff hill-range to the east side of the villages. Besides these relatively new wine cellars, there are other, ancient ones around the vineyards, too, the oldest of which is "The Cellar of the Hundred Hidden Places". There are a lot of rumours about its sizes and the strange things inside it. According to people's belief one of its branches reached even Miskolc (around 80 kms away).

Andornaktálya címere

Ma 2025. február 06. csütörtök, Dorottya és Dóra napja van.

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